Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Economics of Studying Abroad

In case anyone has been following the news, there has been a bit of a credit crisis going on in Greece. A lot of people in my study abroad group (including myself) were concerned about what it would mean for our trip, since the airport was shut down for a day, among other things. We had a brief conversation with our professor about it in class who thinks that everything should be fine while we are gone. By no means am I an economist, and I haven't been following everything in the news related to Greece since I've been busy with finals, so I can't say what is going to happen, but my only prediction is that it will be an interesting time to be in Greece, and a credit crisis that is politically based is at least something related to my major, so if nothing else I will learn something.
In other news, my supposed "friend," Mandy, has decided to change her facebook status to "if you read Tina's blog, the terrorists win." Thanks Mandy, I appreciate the 16 years of never ending moral support. As of today I am done with finals and I leave for Paris in 15 days. Time flies when you're trying to pull shit together for a 3 month trip. In the words of Michael Scott, peace out Seacrest,


1 comment:

  1. Still remember when you two spent your free time reviewing movies.
